Age 17 Survey

Why age 17?

Seventeen is a really important age – some of you were thinking about going on to university or what jobs you’d like in the future, and others were already working or doing apprenticeships.

We wanted to record the decisions you made then and get an insight into who you were at age 17 and how that would shape who you become. By taking part in the survey, you’ve helped us understand the links between your life at age 17, your childhood and your future.

What did we ask you?

We asked you to answer some questions about your life, do a number activity, and be measured, as part of an in-person interview. We also asked you to complete an online questionnaire after the interviewer had visited.

Who else did we talk to?

Your parent(s), if they lived with you, were asked to do an online questionnaire and answer a small number of questions on paper.

Where can you get more information?

All the materials we sent you in the post about the Age 17 Survey can be downloaded from our resources section.

Related downloads

Age 17 Survey- Information for study members

Age 17 Survey- Information for parents