
664,99 KB

Update 2020

This information leaflet provides study members with more information on Child of the New Century and future surveys.

378,49 KB

Age 17 survey- Advance letter for study members

This is the letter we sent study members asking them to take part in the Age 17 Survey.

230,85 KB

Age 17 survey- Advance letter for parents

This is the letter we sent parents asking them to take part in the Age 17 Survey.

368,42 KB

Age 17 Survey- What would we like you to do?- Information for parents

“What would we like you to do?” booklet sent out to parents for the Age 17 survey.

1,72 MB

Age 17 Survey- What would we like you to do?- Information for study members

“What would we like you to do?” booklet sent out to study members for the Age 17 survey.

758,72 KB

Age 17 Survey- Adding other information about you

This information leaflet asks study members for their permission to add some of your information held in administrative records.

249,22 KB

Building a picture of life at age 14 – for parents

This information leaflet provides parents with an update on the first findings from the Age 14 Survey.

1,49 MB

Building a picture of life at age 14 – for study members

This information leaflet provides study members with an update on the first findings from the Age 14 Survey.

495,83 KB

Update 2017 – news for study members

This information leaflet provides study members with an update on the latest study news and findings.

356,13 KB

Update 2017 – news for parents

This information leaflet for parents provides an update on the latest study news and findings.